Julz @ Healing Love From Above 11:11

Welcome to Healing Love from Above 11:11.  My name is Julz Hallmann.  I am an Intuitive Angel Guide living near Winchester in Hampshire, UK.  

I have been through many challenges in my life, including a very difficult start on this earth and experiencing close personal loss.  At the same time, I have always felt a deep connection within to a higher consciousness; call it God, Source, Divine Spirit. It is all one and its essence is pure unconditional love.  This connection enriches my life.  

My path with the Angels:

I have always held a 'knowing' within that I/we have a guardian angel.  This 'knowing' was confirmed through reading Angels in my Hair by Lorna Byrne.  Easily one of the best books I have ever read and is still a favourite.

Since 2016, I have been blessed to be attuned to Angelic Reiki.  It is a beautiful holistic therapy combining some of the main Reiki symbols with channelling Angelic healing energy.  Working with the Angels is a joyful, peaceful privilege.

Alongside Angelic Reiki, I discovered the art of Angel Oracle Card Reading through my Angelic Reiki teacher.  I have since developed this skill further and offer mini 3-card readings as part of Angelic Reiki treatments, as well as standalone readings for more in-depth insights.

I have long had a love of crystals, my favourite being Amethyst.  For several years I had been intuitively using crystals in distance healing without knowing what they were for.  It has been wonderful to do actual crystal healing courses to learn about them, how to care for and use them to best effect.  Channelling Angelic Reiki energy through crystals magnifies their natural healing qualities, leading to a more powerful and beneficial experience for my recipient and myself.

All of these skills have been significantly enhanced by my discovering the simple but life-changing practice of Affirmative Prayer.   It is all about offering gratitude for what you have received for yourself or channelled for someone else, as if it has already arrived in that moment.  This greatly boosts the power of the healing being given or the accuracy of the guidance coming through a reading.  It also opens one's heart and mind to the real possibility of miracles.

I am blessed and delighted to offer the following services:

Thank you for visiting my site.  Enjoy exploring and do let me know how the Angels and I can be of service.

Love, light and Angel blessings

Julz Hallmann
