Angelic Reiki

Angelic Reiki is a beautiful holistic therapy that brings the benefits of Reiki energy together with the power and grace of healing energy from the Angelic Realm.  It supports the body's natural desire and ability to heal itself, by promoting the releasing of tensions in mind, emotion and body, thus allowing healing to occur on all levels.  As a blissful bonus, it enhances our spiritual connection to Divine wisdom, guidance, healing and unconditional love.

Though it cannot be claimed to cure anything, Angelic Reiki can, however relieve stress and anxiety, reduce pain from illness or injury through deep relaxation and bring comfort in challenging times such as experiencing grief.  

Angelic Reiki involves the practitioner channelling Angelic energy to the recipient through the laying-on of hands or distantly through prayer.  Practitioners also channel Ascended Masters (spiritual teachers from all belief systems that have attained enlightenment in their lifetime and come through to offer healing and guidance).  It is a gentle, non-invasive and joyous holistic therapy.   

I work intuitively, mostly through meditation and private prayer when guided to do so.  I also offer Angelic in person, over video call or distantly through meditation and private prayer.  A 3-card reading forms part of the consultation.  A session takes an hour including consultation time at the start and end.  This applies to distance healing too, as it takes equal time, preparation and experience as for in-person or video sessions.  

It is the Angels and Ascended Masters who are the healers.  I am a humble channel who is grateful to facilitate the connection between you and the Angelic Realm, holding space for your healing journey with love from above.

During receiving Angelic Reiki, you may feel; tingling, subtle changes in temperature, emotional (you may cry), or a dreamy/floating sensation.  You may 'see':  colours, shapes, scenes, symbols or receive messages as thoughts that come to mind.  You may feel or see nothing at all except deep relaxation.  Whatever you experience is what you need at the time.

Most recipients have Angelic Reiki every 3-6 months, some once a year, some only need one session.  Many of my recipients report experiencing the best nights sleep they've had in ages after a session of Angelic Reiki.  

I ask for an energy exchange of £20 for 1 hour of Angelic Reiki, (including consultation time), either in person or distantly via video call.  I accept cash, PayPal or BACS.

If you would like to experience Angelic Reiki and think it could help you or someone you know, the Angels and I look forward to hearing from you.