Angel  Card  Readings

Angel Cards are a magnificent tool for establishing a permanent connection to the Divine wisdom, guidance, healing and unconditional love of the Angelic Realm.  This connection reminds us there is no separation between heaven and earth.  They provide a mirror to the magic within each of us.

Through Angel Cards, the Angels, Ascended Masters and Ancestors can reveal to us what we need to know on a soul level that is beneficial to our personal/spiritual growth.  Combining affirmative prayer with Angel Card readings gives clear, apt messages in context of the question we have or the situation we need insight to.

The first card in any spread represents a strength the Angels recognise we have that has been honed over this and past lifetimes of overcoming challenges.  They highlight how this acquired strength will support us in anything upcoming in our lives.  The second card represents something our heart is calling us to understand and act on for our soul's fulfilment.  The last card is a challenge, something we are not doing/ignoring that needs our awareness and action.  Using our strengths and listening to our hearts calling will equip us to overcome the challenge.

I conduct full Angel Card Readings in-person or over video call.  I use several different spreads to give guidance on different questions and topics including; home life and family, relationships, romance, career and life purpose.  Readings take between half an hour to an hour, depending on the number and complexity of the questions.

I ask for an energy exchange of £10 for 1/2 hour and £20 for an hour of Angel Card Readings.  I accept cash, PayPal and BACS.

I can also combine an Angel Card Reading with Angelic Reiki for £20 with half the time dedicated to each modality.  Having a reading before being lead into a relaxation for healing is really beneficial as any messages that come through during Angelic Reiki will build on the insights from the cards, wonderfully enhancing your experience and connection with the Angels.

Below are photos of some of the spreads that I most frequently use with brief descriptions.  The cards featured are from the Keepers of the Light Oracle and Angels and Ancestors Oracle (illustrated by Lily Moses) and Angel Guide Oracle (illustrated by Jenifer Hawkyard).  All featured decks are written by Kyle Gray.  

If you would like to experience an Angel Card reading and think it may help you or someone you know, the Angels and I look forward to hearing from you.

Strength, Heart, Challenge  Spread

What your Angels recognise to be your gifts/talents are, what your heart is calling on you to take notice of in order to nurture your soul, and what you are not doing that needs attention in order for you to grow on your spiritual/life path.

2-card spread 

Very useful for decision making, answering a yes/no question or working out where you are at and where you are going on your spiritual journey.

Life-path spread 

What your angels, guides and your heart need you to know that will be supportive of your purpose and life path.

Personality and present feelings spread

The strengths and talents the angels see in you and what may be arising for you energetically.

Past -life Spread

Gives an idea of who you were in a past-life.  It also highlights lessons and challenges carried over into this life that need healing in order for you to move forward with purpose and wisdom, using your unique talents the Ancestors and Guardians remind you are within.

Celtic Compass Spread

Based on the 9 points of the Celtic compass, with the centre being your core energy.  This spread provides a deep delve into you and your energy in this moment and where you could be focusing your thoughts and intentions for self-development.

Four-card Spread

This is an extension of the 2-card spread above.  It gives deeper insight into decision-making with the strength and challenge of two options in context of a situation you are working through.